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Q: Why is hydrogen a cleaner fuel than compressed natural gas?
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Which fuel can be compressed?

Natural gas

Why is hydrogen a cleaner fuel than ethanol?

Hydrogen is a cleaner fuel than ethanol because, unlike ethanol, it does not contain hydrocarbons (which when burnt release harmful carbon dioxide and monoxide gases.). Hydrogen only produces water as a byproduct when used in combustion, so it is a cleaner fuel.

What the purpose of Compressed natural gas?

It is used as a fuel.

Why cng is called clean fuel?

Compressed Natural Gas is a cleaner fuel because it produce less or neglible amount of residue and smoke. Nowadays, petrol and diesel is being replacedby CNG in transport fuel as it cause less harm to the environment

Which fuel petrol hydrogen or ethanol can be compressed into a small container?


What fuel alternatives do you already use?

CNG- Compressed Natural Gas.

Why cng is better fuel than natural gas?

CNG is exactly the same fuel as natural gas, since CNG stands for "compressed natural gas".

What fuels can you use to run a car?

unleaded gasoline(99%) nitrometane- top fuel dragsters/funny cars Compressed Natural Gas Propane Hydrogen Bio fuel-alcohol Diesel Bio-diesel Vegetable oil

What types of fuels do you run cars on?

unleaded gasoline(99%) nitrometane- top fuel dragsters/funny cars Compressed Natural Gas Propane Hydrogen Bio fuel-alcohol Diesel Bio-diesel Vegetable oil

What is CNG?

Compressed Natural Gas It is fossiel fuel used to driving a vehicle.

Which is more cleaner fuel - Hydrogen or CNG?

I think hydrogen is cleaner than CNG bcoz, CNG contains carbon.So, it may release carbon di oxide or carbon mon oxide.

What is ment by an alternative fuel?

A fuel which is clean meaning that it does not produce CO2. Alternative fuels usually contain at least 85% of or more of ethanol, natural gas, compressed natural gas, LNG, LPG and hydrogen. These include biodiesel, bioalcohols (methanol, ethanol, and butanol), non fossil- methane from land fills chemicaly stored electricity from batteries and fuel cells