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CNG is exactly the same fuel as natural gas, since CNG stands for "compressed natural gas".

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Q: Why cng is better fuel than natural gas?
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Cng as a fuel?

CNG is a readily available alternative to gasoline that's made by compressing natural gas to less than 1% of its volume at standard atmospheric pressure.

Why use CNG as a fuel rather than diesel and petrol what is CNG?

CNG or Compressed Natural Gas is considered ecologically cleaner and safer than diesel or petrol. Consisting mainly of methane, CNG is much more beneficial to valves and injectors of combustion engines . It is much used as a fuel in mining vehicles in places like gypsum mines.

What is CNG fuel and can regular unleaded be used instead of CNG fuel?

Hi frnd CNG stands for Compressed Natural Gas.You can use both cng as well as petrol and it will reduse 70% of your petrol cost Micheal 9310584008

What fuel alternatives do you already use?

CNG- Compressed Natural Gas.

What is CNG?

Compressed Natural Gas It is fossiel fuel used to driving a vehicle.

Is hydrogen a clear fuel than CNG?


What is the difference of hybrid and cng?

A hybrid uses a combination of fuels. CNG is natural gas and is basically a regular car that uses natural gas as the fuel instead or gasoline. This qualifies as a hybrid. The definition is a auto that can use more then one type of fuel.

What is the full form of CNG?

CNG typically stands for Compressed Natural Gas (a fossil fuel). It can also mean: Computer Network Graphics Chinese Nation Group

What are cng cars?

A CNG car is an automobile that is powered by compressed natural gas (CNG). In the United States, the only CNG car that is currently manufactured and sold as a new vehicle is the Honda Civic GX, which has been in production for 12 years. Natural gas cars are much cleaner burning cars than either gasoline or diesel engines. These CNG engines will also last much longer than gasoline engines. It is possible to convert gasoline engines to run on CNG. Although the conversion is somewhat pricey, the savings in fuel costs can offset this expense within a couple of years or so.

What is a hydrocarbon other than gasoline or kerosene?

petrol,LPG,natural gas,diesel petrol,LPG,natural gas,diesel,CNG petrol,LPG,natural gas,diesel,CNG

Why cng is called clean fuel?

Compressed Natural Gas is a cleaner fuel because it produce less or neglible amount of residue and smoke. Nowadays, petrol and diesel is being replacedby CNG in transport fuel as it cause less harm to the environment

What gas can be used as fuel for motors?

CNG (compressed natural gas) OR LPG (liquefied petroleum gas)