



History consists of studying the past. It is a branch of the humanities or social sciences.

500 Questions

How political science related to history?

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Political science is related to history as it relies on the study of past political events and structures to understand how political systems evolve over time. By analyzing historical events, political scientists can identify patterns, trace the roots of contemporary political issues, and make predictions about future developments. History provides a context for understanding political institutions, ideologies, and behaviors, allowing political scientists to draw insights and lessons from the past.

Who is JF Brondel?

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There is limited information available about JF Brondel. It is possible they are a private individual or a lesser-known public figure.

What does a spear look like?

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A spear is a long pole weapon with a pointed tip typically made of metal. It has been used throughout history for hunting and warfare, featuring a sharp point for thrusting and a long shaft for throwing or thrusting at a distance. Spears come in various designs and sizes, but they generally have a simple and streamlined appearance.

What do French people were?

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French people typically wear a mix of modern and classic clothing styles, with a focus on quality over quantity. Common staples include tailored pieces, neutral colors, and accessories like scarves and sunglasses. Fashion is important in French culture, and individuals often prioritize looking put-together and effortlessly chic.

Why is history a social science?

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History is considered a social science because it involves the systematic study of past events, societies, and human behavior. Historians use a range of social science methodologies to analyze and interpret historical data in order to understand how societies have evolved over time. Additionally, history examines the impacts of social, political, economic, and cultural factors on human societies throughout history.

What are braes?

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"Brae" can refer to a steep bank of a river valley, or to any slope or hill (it is typically an English and Scottish term).

"Braes" is also an old-fashioned spelling for brass (referring to the metal alloy or objects made of it).

In some historical fiction, "braes" can refer to men's braces, or suspenders.

What age to kids in Germany start school?

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In Germany children start school at age 6.

What was a culture change that occurred as a result of the Colombian Exchange?

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One culture change that occurred as a result of the Columbian Exchange was the spread of new food crops and agricultural practices between the Old World and the New World. This led to changes in diets, farming techniques, and culinary traditions in both regions, enriching their respective cultures.

What continent do Native Americans share features and DNA with people?

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Native Americans share features and DNA with people from Asia. Studies have shown that Native Americans are descendants of populations that migrated from Asia to the Americas thousands of years ago. This is supported by genetic and anthropological evidence.

How has the native Americans influenced culture in central America today?

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Native Americans have greatly influenced the culture of Central America through their traditional beliefs, languages, art, and cuisine. Many indigenous practices and customs are still present in the region, shaping the daily lives of people. Additionally, Native American heritage is often celebrated through festivals, music, and dance.

What ways did community's interact with each other around 12000 BCE?

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Around 12,000 BCE, communities interacted through trade, social gatherings, and possibly warfare. Trade networks allowed for the exchange of goods and ideas between different groups, while social gatherings such as festivals or ceremonies provided opportunities for cooperation and cultural exchange. Warfare may have occurred as communities competed for resources or territory.

Is it true that Juliana Barr asserts that hunter-gatherer societies had no concept of territory or boundaries?

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No, Juliana Barr did not assert that hunter-gatherer societies had no concept of territory or boundaries. In her research, she actually highlights that hunter-gatherer societies often had well-defined territories and boundaries that they understood and respected.

What animal did the Columbian exchange have the greatest effect on native American cultures?

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The introduction of horses had the greatest impact on Native American cultures through the Columbian exchange. Horses revolutionized transportation, hunting, warfare, and trade for many indigenous communities in the Americas.

How many Lakota family members would live in a tipi?

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A Lakota family typically consisted of an extended family group, with multiple generations living together in a tipi. A large tipi could accommodate around 10-15 family members comfortably.

Did the pueblos teach their children about benevolent spirits by carving kachina dolls?

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kachina doll, called a tithu in Hopi, carved from cottonwood root by the of the Pueblo kachinas-a population of benevolent beings they called gaan, the while the kachinas give away dolls made in their likenesses to teach children.

What year did cave men start cave painting?

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Cave paintings are believed to have started around 40,000 years ago during the Upper Paleolithic period by early modern humans. The oldest known cave paintings date back to around 64,000 years ago in Indonesia.

What are facts about other cultures?

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  1. Every culture has its own unique traditions, customs, and beliefs that shape the way people live and interact with each other.
  2. There are over 7,000 distinct cultures in the world, each with its own language, art, music, and cuisine.
  3. Cultural practices such as rituals, ceremonies, and festivals play a significant role in preserving and passing down traditions from generation to generation.

What quotes has Ned Kelly said that makes him look like a villain?

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Ned Kelly is often quoted as saying "Such is life," which is often associated with his defiance and acceptance of his fate as a criminal. Additionally, his statement "I will start a war upon the police and settle with the black trackers" reflects his antagonistic attitude towards law enforcement. These quotes contribute to the portrayal of Ned Kelly as a villainous figure in Australian history.

How do Indians become medicine men?

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In Native American cultures, individuals become medicine men by undergoing specific training and initiation rites within their community. Typically, they are chosen for their spiritual gifts, healing abilities, and knowledge of traditional medicines. Medicine men play a crucial role in providing spiritual guidance and healing practices within their tribe.

How can one erase their criminal history?

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To erase a criminal history, one may be able to apply for expungement or sealing of criminal records depending on the laws of the state or country where the offense occurred. This process typically involves meeting certain criteria such as completing a waiting period after the conviction, showing rehabilitation, and following the necessary legal procedures. It's advisable to consult with a lawyer who specializes in criminal law to understand the specific requirements and options available.

Did slaves keep alive African culture by building drums banjos and other instruments?

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Yes, enslaved Africans in the Americas used their cultural knowledge to create instruments such as drums and banjos, helping to preserve some of their musical traditions. Despite the harsh conditions of slavery, these musical expressions played a crucial role in maintaining their cultural identity and providing a means of resistance and community building.

Disadvantages to an oral tradition?

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Some disadvantages of an oral tradition include the potential for information to be inaccurately remembered or distorted over time, leading to loss of detail or changes in the narrative. Oral traditions also tend to be more vulnerable to disruptions and may not be as easily preserved or shared as written records. Additionally, oral traditions may lack the permanence and accessibility of written texts.

What are some examples of stateless nations?

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Some examples of stateless nations include the Kurds in the Middle East, the Basques in Spain, and the Tibetans in China. These groups have distinctive cultures, histories, and identities, but do not have their own independent nation-state.

Why did cave men draw on cave walls?

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Cave paintings were likely created for communication, such as documenting hunting scenes or religious beliefs, as well as for educational or storytelling purposes within the community. They may have served as a way to pass on cultural knowledge and traditions to future generations.

What are reasons people commit crime in the Victorian era?

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People in the Victorian era might have committed crimes due to poverty, lack of education or job opportunities, social inequality, substance abuse, or being influenced by peers or criminal organizations. Additionally, the harsh living conditions of the time, such as overcrowding and poor sanitation in urban areas, could have driven some individuals to criminal activities.